Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Way The Rain Comes Down: Part 3 (The End!)

...and thus comes the end of my little Price fantasy. Thanks for humoring me with your comments (Meaghan and Maegen!)... Of course this story wasn't meant to be anything in depth, just something to occupy the mind for a bit. Enjoy Part 3 and a couple more pictures of my favorite Cowboy. :o)

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Way The Rain Comes Down: Part 2

And thus the next part in our mini-saga with Mr. Price. :o)

The Way The Rain Comes Down... Part 1 - Carey Price

Some new material... a typical cliche story, but I've been in a butterflies and rainbow kind of mood for the holidays, so deal with it! This will be just a few parts.

Helloooo Carey Price.